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DAISY Health Equity Awardees

Celebrating our South Sacramento nurses

Through our awards programs, we recognize nurses and care partners who exemplify excellence and provide high-quality, compassionate care to our members and patients.

Extraordinary Nurse Award

The Northern California Extraordinary Nurse Award Program recognizes and honors 34 individuals each year who exemplify professionalism, compassion, teamwork, excellence, integrity, and patient- and family-centric care in their practice.

Rachel Wyatt

Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Nurse Leaders of the Year
Rachel Wyatt, DNP, RN
Chief Nurse Executive

Shavinderpal Sanga

Advanced Practice
Shavinderpal Sanga, MSN, RN
Clinical Nurse Specialist

DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award

Sarah Atienza, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse IV | 3 West

Midred Wong, MBA, RN
Nursing House Supervisor | Hosp Admin – Bed Control

DAISY Nurse Leader Award

The DAISY Nurse Leader Award shines a light on nurse leaders — directors, managers, assistant managers, and educators— who don’t generally have direct patient care as part of their work and create an environment where compassionate, skillful care thrives.

Robert Driver, BSN, RN
Assistant Nurse Manager | 3 South & 4 South

Wilfrengerard Esposo, MSN, MBA, RN, NP-C, CPHQ, HACP-CMS
Quality & Safety Oversight, Area Safety & Quality Officer | Hosp Admin-Quality Leadership

Christen Straw, DNP, RN, CNL, NEA-BC, CENP
Magnet Program Director | Nursing Administration

Melissa Tagle MSN, RN, RN-BC, CNOR, CSSM, Gero-BC, CENP
RN Director | Ophthalmology

DAISY Nurse Award

The DAISY Nurse Award for front-line staff recognizes the compassion and care nurses provide to patients and families.

Amanda Bucceri Androus, BSN, RN
Charge Nurse III | Adult Primary Care

Autumn Dennis BSN, RN
Staff Nurse II | Main PACU

Brandon Bert, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse II | 3 West

Emilie Valencia, RN
Staff Nurse III | 3 East

Emily Thy, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse II | Main PACU

Heather Wright, RN
Staff Nurse II | ICU

Maggie Alba, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse II | 4 East

Malee Vue, BSN, RN, CCRN
Staff Nurse II | ICU

Maria Edralin, BSN, RN, CNOR
Staff Nurse II | Main OR

Maria Mia Sindayen, BSN, RN, CCRN
Staff Nurse III | ICU

Rose Marie Lawson, RN
Staff Nurse II | 3 West

Zemen Abraham, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse II | 3 East

DAISY Health Equity Award

Stacy Walters BSN, RN
Staff Nurse III | Gastroenterology

DAISY Team Award

The DAISY Team Award honors collaboration by 2 or more people led by a nurse who identifies and meets patient and/or patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of the nurse.

Gastroenterology Team

Quality Team

BEE Awards for Non-Nursing Partners

Ravneel Atwaal
Patient Care Technician | 4 South

Nancy Foster
Administrative Coordinator IV | Nursing Professional Development

Tim Willman
Supply Chain Analyst IV | Pediatric

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