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Celebrating our Richmond nurses

Through our awards programs, we recognize nurses and care partners who exemplify excellence and provide high-quality, compassionate care to our members and patients.

Extraordinary Nurse Award

The Northern California Extraordinary Nurse Award Program recognizes and honors 34 individuals each year who exemplify professionalism, compassion, teamwork, excellence, integrity, and patient- and family-centric care in their practice.

Sylvia Case

Friends of Nursing – Direct Care Partner
Silvia Case
Housekeeping Aide

DAISY Nurse Leader Award

The DAISY Nurse Leader Award shines a light on nurse leaders — directors, managers, assistant managers, and educators— who don’t generally have direct patient care as part of their work and create an environment where compassionate, skillful care thrives.

Nicole Barnett

Kimberly Dabney

DAISY Nurse Award

The DAISY Nurse Award for front-line staff recognizes the compassion and care nurses provide to patients and families.

Ayleen Bouquett
Rahkimm Cherry
Daniel Fink
Valerie Hoang
Jovie Jabla, MSN, RN
Annabelle Muli, MSN, RN

Maria Murella-Echalas
Rachel Nyarko Kra
Lola Rossman
Mildred Veal
Miriam Tan

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