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A model of excellence: ICU nurses in the Advance Alert Monitoring program 

ICU nurses at the Antioch Medical Center consistently demonstrate exceptional dedication to a high level of clinical and critical thinking skills to provide the best possible care to the sickest patients in the adult patient care departments. These efforts led them to achieve the number 1 ranking for six consecutive years in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Advance Alert Monitoring (AAM) program. This achievement is a testament to their commitment to providing high-quality patient care, fostering a collaborative environment, and continuously improving their professional practices. 

This exemplary performance not only reflects the hard work of the Antioch ICU nurses, but also showcases their commitment to excellence in healthcare and consistently followed the regional AAM/RRT workflow to meet the regional AAM goals year after year. Their achievement serves as an inspiration to other teams and reinforces the importance of high-quality patient care for the sickest patients in the adult patient care departments.  

Kaiser Permanente Northern California  developed the AAM program to help identify and treat hospitalized patients at risk of clinical decline. Since 2019, the AAM program has been implemented at all 21 KPNC hospitals. Patients identified as high risk for clinical deterioration triggers AAM/RRT alert to the rapid response team (RRT) nurses at local hospitals. The AAM/RRT nurses conduct bedside assessments of at-risk patients and formulate interdisciplinary clinical responses with hospital-based physicians, patient’s primary nurses, and supportive care teams to ensure a well-defined escalation plan that includes clarification of the patients’ goals of care.  

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