On 4 Center, a medical-surgical telemetry unit at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco that specializes in caring for post-surgical patients, nurses know how important mobility is. Early mobilization increases functional capacity, decreases postoperative complications, and decreases length of stay, thereby enhancing patient safety during and after hospitalization. RNs perform a daily mobility assessment (Clinician Level of Function or CLOF) that provides a daily mobility goal for each patient.
Despite widespread awareness of the importance of early mobilization, 4 Center’s 2024 mobility data showed that independent walkers (patients with CLOF ≥38, or Mobility Group 6) were not meeting the regional mobility benchmark. That is when the 4 Center team developed the idea of piloting a project to give patients pedometers. A pedometer is an innovative wearable technology that tracks step count. Research shows that giving patients pedometers can increase physical activity, decrease sedentary behavior, and improve physical functioning.