“We’ve all heard the story during DAISY presentations, but it brings tears to your eyes to hear the Barnes’ speak so passionately about why they were inspired to create the DAISY Foundation,” explained Melissa Hathcoat, MSN, RN, Clinical Nursing Director in San Leandro.
Melissa was among 7 Kaiser Permanente nurses honored with a DAISY Award during Mark and Bonnie Barnes, FAANs, DAISY Foundation co-founders, 2-day tour of 8 Northern California medical centers with Toby Marsh, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, Regional Chief Nurse Executive and Vice President of Clinical Integration, and DAISY Foundation partners from Medtronic.
“Not only is the award an honor, but to get a hug from Mark and Bonnie after receiving the recognition was so special,” added Hathcoat.
The Barnes’ heard many stories from previous DAISY Award honorees from Oakland, Roseville, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Leandro, Santa Rosa, South Sacramento, and Vacaville, and shared messages of gratitude for all that nurses do — from the big things to the simple things — to care for their patients.
Mark called on nurses to refrain from saying they are “just doing their job,” sharing his observation when a nurse receives the DAISY Award typically the humble response is, “I don’t deserve this, I was just doing my job.”
“What the DAISY Nurse may not realize, however, is that when nurses are ’just doing their jobs,’ they have such an important and meaningful impact on the lives of so many people — their patients, families, and loved ones,” said
Marsh. “Nurses are making the world a better place and are very special. What a powerful message.”
While in South Sacramento, the Barnes’ held a virtual lunchtime presentation, titled “Shining the Light on All the Right — Elevating Nurses Through Meaningful Recognition,” so that nurses from around the region could learn more about their life’s work in memory of their son, why the couple created the DAISY Award, the long-felt impacts for recipients, and the couple’s strong relationship with Kaiser Permanente.
“Bonnie and Mark gave an outstanding presentation that whisked us all back to the moment when we decided to be a nurse, remembering our purpose, and the extreme privilege we have as nurses,” said Rachel Wyatt, DNP, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, South Sacramento Chief Nurse Executive. “There were few dry eyes in the room as Mark closed out with exactly why nurses are indeed heroes.”